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congaz — Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-15 um 21.34.45
congaz — Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-15 um 21.50.52
congaz — Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-15 um 21.50.16
Remondis Erlebniscontainer
An immersive journey through the consequences of climate change - and what we can do about it!
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congaz — screenshot_02
De:Hub Websummit
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI) set up twelve hubs in Germany to strengthen the networking between startups and corporates. Together with RCKT congaz designed an AR application that illustrates the focus of every single hub. The AR experience was released at the web summit in Lisbon.
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congaz — Standbild001_Bearbeitet
congaz — 20180706_150933_Bearbeitet
congaz — 20180706_152325_Bearbeitet
Building Industry Bavaria Innovation Container
Digitization does not stop at construction sites: in an interactive container visitors playfully experience how the building industry will evolve in the future.
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congaz — 210211db1900_Epic_Space-0-01-44-20
congaz — 210211db1900_Epic_Space-0-02-09-13
The Epic Space
Tell stories like never before.
Become a part of your stories instead of just telling them. With the EPIC SPACE your events can take place wherever you want. In realtime.
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congaz — Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-17 um 11.26.02
Cariad "Exponat"
For CARIAD we developed an interactive exhibit.
Using touch functions and tokens, the visitor can explore the themed
world of the Volkswagen Group software manufacturer.
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A curious building was created on the Merck campus to celebrate the company's 350th anniversary. A space where you can learn and have fun! We provided a range of media content for this colorful installation, inspired by the company's motto: Be curious.
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