De:Hub Websummit


The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWI) set up twelve hubs in Germany to strengthen the networking between startups and corporates. Together with RCKT congaz designed an AR application that illustrates the focus of every single hub. The AR experience was released at the web summit in Lisbon.

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Websummit Lisbon

The aim of the Digital Hub Initiative at the Websummit in Lisbon is to represent Germany as an attractive and growing market for startups, investors and scientists. The summit is an opportunity to get in touch with the international startup- and investor-scene. 

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At the world’s biggest tech conference in the stall of the digital hub initiative, all 12 regional Hubs are displayed on a map of Germany via AR-Experience. To attract the attention the experience designed innovative, as well digital and interactive and represents the initiative in it’s versatility. The strength of the Regional Hubs is placed in the foreground and persuades the visitors to become part of the initiative themselves.

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